





Finding the Right Foot Doctor

Like many medical professionals of today, finding the right specialist for you can make all the difference in your comfort at the doctor as well as your overall health. Finding the right foot doctor, also known as a podiatrist, is no different. If you are looking for a foot doctor in Danbury, New Milford, or Plainville, CT, consider Dr. Joseph Treadwell and Dr. Christian Davis at the Foot & Ankle Specialists of Connecticut.

Training and Specialties

Foot doctors are trained to be experts in the lower extremity. However, it is important to be sure that you are seeing a medical provider with the proper training and credentials. For podiatry, this means that they are certified with the American Board of Podiatric Medicine (ABPM).

Depending on the reason you are seeking a foot doctor in Danbury, New Milford, or Plainville, CT, you may want to consider any specialties they may have to better address your concerns. For example, some foot doctors specialize in diabetic neuropathy, sports-related injuries, wound care, repetitive injuries, or surgical interventions.

Patient-Centered Care

In addition to receiving the proper training and considering any specialties that they might have, it is also beneficial to learn more about a doctor's bedside manner and goals prior to having them assess or treat your lower extremity problems. Bedside manner refers to the doctor's ability to make you feel comfortable, answer your questions, and explain topics in an understandable manner. In terms of their goals, you want to be sure that the foot doctor you choose is listening to what is important to you, making your goals their number one priority in treatment.

Podiatry Near You

Lastly, you want to be sure that the podiatrist you chose is someone you are able to easily access. This probably means that their office is close to you and has hours that accommodate your schedule. Check your local area listings to learn more.

If you are looking for a foot doctor in Danbury, New Milford, or Plainville, CT, give Dr. Treadwell and Dr. Davis of Foot & Ankle Specialists of Connecticut a call today. Their office in Danbury can be reached at (203) 748-2220, New Milford at (860) 355-3139, and Plainville at (860) 747-2200.

Our Locations



6 Germantown Road, Germantown,
Danbury, CT 06810



21 Cooke Street,
Plainville, CT 06062