





Treating Your Bunions

At Foot & Ankle Specialists of Connecticut, Dr. Joseph Treadwell and Dr. Christian Davis help patients dealing with bunions in Danbury, CT, and Plainville, CT. Bunions can be painful and unsightly, but your podiatrist can help relieve your pain. Keep reading for tips on treating bunions and come see us if you are in pain.

What is a bunion?

A bunion is a bony bump that forms on the side of the big toe. Bunions are caused by an uneven weight distribution on the large toe joint. This usually happens because of constricting footwear forcing the toes together. For this reason, women are more likely to suffer from bunions, but they can also happen to anyone due to a foot injury or arthritis.

Bunions can grow in size to the point wearing shoes is painful. We hope to see you before that point, but whatever size your bunion is now, we can help you find relief from the pain.

Treating bunions

If you have a bunion the good news is there are several methods to relieve pain that you can try at home. Your podiatrist may recommend:

  • Wearing comfortable, supportive shoes with a large toe box
  • Anti-inflammatory medications
  • Stretching the foot and toes every day to prevent stiffness
  • Adhesive patches that pad the bunion
  • Shoe inserts that pad the bunion and help align the bones in your foot as you walk
  • Wearing toe splints overnight to straighten out the toe
  • Icing the toe for 15-20 minutes at a time

Surgery is typically only recommended with larger bunions if other measures haven't improved your toe, but bunions can be surgically removed. A bunionectomy is an outpatient procedure that removes the bunion to help realign the bones in your toe.

Foot & Ankle Specialists of Connecticut is here to help when you're suffering with a bunion. Dr. Joseph Treadwell and Dr. Christian Davis treat bunions in Danbury, CT, and Plainville, CT. Contact us for an appointment in Danbury at (203) 748-2220, and in Plainville at (860) 747-2200.

Our Locations



6 Germantown Road, Germantown,
Danbury, CT 06810



21 Cooke Street,
Plainville, CT 06062